Zuster Sweostor Systir has one more weekend, and a closing crochet party, and some press mentions!

If you haven’t been able to check out my show at Ohge Ltd. Gallery, you just have one more weekend, this Friday the 19th and Saturday the 20th of March, 2010, from 11-6.  The picture of my head-dress has spread far and wide across the blogs and blogs, which is fascinating to watch.  It’s just so , I don’t know….viral.  It’s just an image of a quiet moment with my husband, Paul Margolis, who shot the images with me.

To celebrate the close of the show, as well as celebrate the beginnings of a new body of work, I’m hosting a closing party at the gallery.  Here’s a facebook invite, if you do that, and otherwise here’s the information, if you live in the Seattle area!

Closing Crochet Chocolate Gorging Party!

Come join me on the closing night of my show ‘Zuster Swoestor Systir’ for some chocolate brown crocheting and some chocolate eating! I‘ll have a table full of all shades of chocolate brown delights, as well as a wild pile of brown yarns and fabrics to crochet. Come hang out and learn to crochet, chat with people you know and don’t know, and relax before you head out for the evening.

The brown crocheting will all be combined together to make the roots of an ancient cherry tree, creating a chamber for slumber…I think. We’ll see in the coming year. I’m in the early stages of work for a show at Roc la Rue Gallery in early 2011, a show about honey, lightening, gold, cherry blossoms, crossbill birds and white woodpeckers, nets of black hair and elaborate beards, all about the mercurial nature of desire (or so I think…)

Beginners welcome, bring hooks and chocolate if you have them. Donations of old brown yarn and fabric always welcome!

RSVP so I’ll have enough of the good stuff (which might include Chocolate Russians if I can get my act together!)

Have one last look at the show, including the MMMM film created with Zoe Scofield, Morgan Henderson and Ian Lucero

Sat. March 20th, 2010    6-10pm

Ohge, Ltd. Gallery

831 Airport Way South, Seattle

ZSS also got some nice blog mentions: thanks Joey, Jen and Ms. Regina!

Best Of: Joey Veltkamp

Currently Hanging:SLOG: The Stranger: Jen Graves

Another Bouncing Ball: Arts Journal: Regina Hackett: “Her Forest, Her Ruins, Her River”