HUGE Fabric, Yarn, Notions and Vintage Clothing Sale at Mandy Greer Studio


**EDIT** Last weekend’s sale was great!  But there is still a lot left, so on SAT MAY 9th from 10-2, I’m having a “Grab Bag” sale for the rest.  Come stuff a paper grocery bag full for $10 ****

HUGE Fabric, Yarn, Notions and Vintage Clothing Sale.  Lots of Odd and Beautiful treasures May 2, SAT,    9 am – 3pm May 3, SUN,   10 am – 3pm 15 Years of accumulated materials from my Fiber and sculpture Studio are getting all cleaned out, and priced to go very cheap.  All different kinds of fabrics from linens, cottons, vintage yardage and dismantled clothes, satins, velvets, lycras, everything!  yardage and remnants of 1970’s double-knit in fantastic patterns. . Remnant rolls for .50-$2.00 and huge amount of large bags of pieces in sorted colors for .50-$1.00.  So great for Kids projects, Quilting, Collage, Scrapbooking, Art, Sewing. Bins and Bins of all kinds of yarn, from boutique to craft,  for $1.00 per skein.  Glitter. Beads. 1000’s of vintage buttons, feathers, notions, bias tape, doilies, pins, fasteners, zippers grommets, bobbins.  hand-made beads, ribbons, leather gloves Vintage quilts and quilt pieces, vintage 1940’s upholstery samples.  Vintage wood picture frames, photo paper, theaters lights with barn doors. Mod-Podge, spray starch,  and brand new Lendrum spinning wheel elements I never used, and bobbins. 11166078_10206315860600873_643519097_n Vintage Clothes, too! AND two other friends are purging their huge vintage collections, including stuff from Caravan Age Vintage.  A few little vintage ceramic treasures as well! This is where to be if you have a fiber vintage addiction! Bring Cash in small bills ( lots of little items!) No checks, Credit Card option available for purchases over $10 Bring bags!  I don’t have that many. Spread the word, and bring some friends to explore the treasure with!  Join the event on Facebook and spread the word!  I’ll be posting more pictures of the huge stash on the Facebook event, so join to get notifications! 11148605_10205340043074010_5058044508513779543_n