Mandy Greer Studio Winter Sale, with guests!


2015wintersale banner

**EDIT** The studio sale is over but my work remains up until Friday Dec. 18.  Contact me to make a private appointment to shop what remains!


It is time again for my annual Winter Studio Sale, and like last year, I’ve invited a few other fellow makers of beautiful and strange handmade art objects, goods and wearables to join me.

Fiber art, hand-dyed clothing, copper jewelry , raw crystal jewelry, vintage-crafted accessories, art prints and cards

DEC 12 SAT, 11am – 5pm
DEC 13 SUN, 11am – 3pm

The Silver Studio
Mandy Greer’s Columbia City fiber art studio
Enter the studio using the large silver doors on the LEFT Front of the building.

-I’ll have a selection of fiber-based sculptural wall pieces, weavings, wearables, and framed and unframed photographs at studio prices, as well as cards and catalogs.

-Izzie Klingles will be bringing Izvald: Hand Dyed Indigo repurposed garments, as well as a number of prints and original artworks.

-Wyly Astley will be bringing wearable and collectable offerings in wool, sterling, copper, wax and more. Wyly appreciates the juxtaposition of rough and refined which is reflected in both her jewelry and textile designs.

-Kate Ryan will be bringing Jakku House Sacred Accessories: Jewelry made with vintage chains and raw cleansed and blessed crystals, as well as accessories made from vintage millenary, sculls and other fascinations.

-Anna Lord will be bringing soft, zippered bags made from reclaimed and vintage fabrics, with thrifted zippers, just right for carrying cosmetics, toiletries and paintbrushes Anna will also have 57 small works on paper, intricate ink drawings that reflect the tiny world that she produced from weekly drawings done during a two-hour window carved out from her first baby’s first year.

JOIN the FACEBOOK invite to get updates and more pictures!

CASH AND CREDIT CARD ONLY, sales handled by individual artists

Free event

Wine, tea, treats and HYGGE!

Street Parking available, but please avoid parking in front of the house uphill from my studio. My elder neighbor needs access in case of an emergency. Respect your elders!

At the Red and White Fence