New Mandy Greer 2015 Organizer now available!

New 2015 Organizer

New 2015 Organizer

Since Symbols of time and direction, and time’s passing seem to me to becoming more and more prominent in my work, I thought I’d tackle a request I’ve gotten for several years, to create a calender with images of my work.  I’ve created a personal organizer you can carry with you everywhere.  Write things down with your hand and a pencil!

                      Preview and Order Now to give as holiday gifts!

“This January through December 2015 organizer features the other-worldly imagery of mixed media artist Mandy Greer. Write in the phases of the moon, keep track of when to plant and when to do your spells, when to plan gatherings and when to block off time to revel in the woods alone. Plenty of room to write down all your dreams and desires. Images selected to go with the changing seasons, and to inspire you to see more than is there. Think of all that will happen each changing of the moon in 2015!”